116 research outputs found

    Revolutionising Higher Education The Significance of Micro Credentials in Malaysias Hybrid Learning Environment A Success Story from UMPSA

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    The higher education landscape in Malaysia has undergone rapid transformation in recent years, driven by technological advancements and evolving workforce needs. To keep up with global educational trends, the Malaysian government has incorporated the concept of globalised online learning into its national agenda, as outlined in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025

    Integrated eco-design decision making for sustainable product design

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    A major challenge for any manufacturer is including aspects of sustainable development in product design that are related to the social, environmental and economic impacts. Several methods and tools have been developed to facilitate sustainable product design, but they lack critical application of the ecological design (eco-design) process and economic costing, particularly during the conceptual design phase. This research overcomes these deficiencies by integrating eco-design approaches across all phases of product life cycle. These approaches were applied and tested in two case studies, which demonstrate that the tools developed can be used to reduce a product’s environmental and economic impacts while fulfilling customer needs. The integrated eco-design decision making (IEDM) methodology is proposed and developed in this study as a method for improving product sustainability. This is the principle contribution of this thesis to the field of sustainable product design. The IEDM applies environmental considerations across three stages of product development. The first stage is the life cycle assessment (LCA), which is used to identify critical areas in which the product’s environmental performance can be improved. The results of the LCA are then analysed in the second stage using an eco-design process (Eco-Process) model. This model identifies environmental concerns relating to the manufacturing process, product use, and end-of-life (EOL) strategy. These concerns are then addressed within the third stage, which uses an ecological house of quality (Eco-HoQ) embedded in an ecological quality function deployment (Eco-QFD) process. The ecodesign case-based reasoning (Eco-CBR) tool was also developed in this study to improve product design knowledge sharing. The development of the Eco-HOQ, which is integrated into the Eco-QFD process and part of the broader IEDM, is the second major contribution of this work. The Ecov HOQ is an extra “house” that can capture and manage sustainability considerations in a single place. This increases the relevance of the information used and produced in product design and encourages actions for improving sustainability at each phase of the Eco-QFD process. The Eco-QFD ensures that customer needs are incorporated within the context of sustainability. The eco-design case-based reasoning (Eco-CBR) tool was developed on the premise that if experiences from the Eco-QFD process can be captured in some useful form, designers can refer to and learn from past experiences. The Eco-CBR is an intuitive decision support tool that complements the IEDM framework and proposes solutions related to the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the product. The application of the entire IEDM framework, including the Eco-HoQ, Eco-QFD, and complementary Eco-CBR, is demonstrated in the case studies of single-use medical forceps and an office chair base. The case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of these tools when assessing a product’s sustainability, even when its design is altered. In addition, this methodology provides a complete view of the environmental performance and economic cost of these products over their entire life cycles in conjunction with an assessment of customer requirements. In summary, this thesis contributes significantly to the field of sustainable product design by proposing the integration of eco-design approaches at every stage of product development, including the critical conceptual phase. The approaches developed in this study will enable designers to improve product design, increase productivity, and reduce material usage and costs while meeting customer specifications

    Eco-design case-based reasoning tool: the integration of ecological quality function deployment and case-based reasoning methods for supporting sustainable product design

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    Several methods and tools have been developed to facilitate sustainable product design, but they lack critical application of the ecological design (eco-design) process and economic costing, particularly during the conceptual design phase. This research study overcomes these deficiencies by integrating eco-design approaches across all phases of the product life cycle. It proposes an eco-design case-based reasoning tool that is integrated with the recently developed ecological quality function deployment method, which supports sustainable product design. The eco-design case-based reasoning tool is an intuitive decision-support tool that complements the ecological quality function deployment method and proposes solutions related to customers’ requirements and the environmental and economic impacts of the product. The ecological quality function deployment method ensures that customers’ needs are considered within the context of product sustainability. The novelty of this article is in the development of the eco-design case-based reasoning tool which is based on the premise that if experiences from the ecological quality function deployment process can be captured in some useful form, designers can refer to and learn from them. This approach helps industrial decision-makers propose solutions by reusing solutions from similar cases and from their past experiences. The novelty is in the way the cases are structured and new cases are generated, using life-cycle assessments, cost estimations, and information about related manufacturing processes and means of transportation. This article demonstrates the applicability of the proposed approach through an industrial case study

    A proposed model for green practice adoption and implementation in information technology based organizations

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    Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance their economic performance and possible social benefits. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate the model prepositions

    Propozycja modelu określania i wprowadzania Zielonych Praktyk w przedsiębiorstwach wykorzystujących technologie informatyczne

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    Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance their economic performance and possible social benefits. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate the model prepositions.Zielone technologie informatyczne ułatwiają firmom wykorzystującym technologie informatyczne (IT) podejmowanie działań na rzecz ochrony środowiska, a także tych prowadzących do zmniejszenia skali zagrożeń związanych ze zmianami klimatycznymi i innymi współczesnymi wyzwaniami ekologicznymi. Wdrażanie zielonych technologii informatycznych stanowi właściwe podejście dla firm IT nie tylko z uwagi na możliwość rozwiązywania bieżących problemów środowiskowych, ale także zwiększenia efektywności ekonomicznej i możliwych korzyści społecznych. Obecnie rozwija się wiele modeli odnoszących się do różnych aspektów zrównoważoności, jednak tylko nieliczne z nich nadają się do wykorzystania w procesie decyzyjnym firm IT. Z tej przyczyny istnieje potrzeba opracowania takiego modelu, wspierającego wprowadzanie zrównoważonych praktyk na tym poziomie. Zaproponowany model uwzględnia Zielone zmienne, Zielone procesy i połączenie techniki programowania agentowego z wnioskowaniem w oparciu o studium przypadku (CBR). Dzięki przyjęciu rozszerzonego podejścia (studium przypadku, ankieta) możliwa jest weryfikacja zmiennych modelu, procesów i potwierdzenie przyjętych założeń

    Implementation evaluation of Cuckoo search for the benchmark Rosenbrock test function

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    This paper presents the implementation evaluation of the benchmark Rosenbrock test function with particular emphasis on the effect of the search population and iterations count in the Cuckoo Search algorithm's quest for good solutions. After a number of experimental procedures, this study reveals that deploying a population of 10 nests is sufficient to obtain good solutions to the Rosenbrock test function (or any similar problem to this test landscape). In fact, increasing the search population to 50 nests was a demerit to the Cuckoo Search as it resulted in longer processing time and worse outcomes. In terms of the iteration count, it was discovered that the Cuckoo Search can obtain good results in as little as 100 to 10,000 iterations. The outcome of this study is beneficial to the research community as it will help in facilitating the choice of parameters whenever one is confronted with a similar problem

    Existing semantic ontology and its challenges for enhancing interoperability in IoT environment

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    Internet of Things technology is widely used in several domains including industry, society, and the environment. Heterogeneous data is a critical problem in the Internet of Things technology; this heterogeneity leads to a lack of interoperability which limits the possibility of sharing and reusing data for supporting decision-makers in different fields. The aim of this paper is to review the current IoT ontologies and their main challenges. Ontology has been used to solve the heterogeneity problem and enhance interoperability for the Internet of Things by using common core ontology. The main feature and success factor of ontology as a representation of knowledge is that the features being flexible, clearable, shareable, and reusable. This study is probable for contributing to developing common core ontology for the Internet of Things with a comprehensive view for solving the lack of sharing information and offer complete recommendations for supporting the interoperability processes for IoT application domains

    Uncovered user engagement pattern in LMS During COVID-19 pandemic using temporal visualization matrix

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    Movement Controlled Order (MCO) during COVID-19 pandemic causing global higher education to intensify the use of online learning to keep student engage with their study. While many institutions of higher learning plan for blended learning approach instead of full online, this sudden shift to full online causing bottleneck performance of Learning Management System (LMS). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the pattern of user engagement in LMS during pandemic. The case used in this study is LMS from Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Quantitative method has been chosen as a research method in this study where user interaction data from the LMS log is been used for engagement analysis. By combining the context of user engagement, we create temporal visualization matrix to gain the insight of user engagement pattern in LMS. Our findings show that both student and instructor are still highly engaged in LMS even after midnight. This insight is useful and significant for the institution (1) to deploy effective Quaity of Service (QoS) of LMS operation and (2) to design a policies related to quality assurance during pandemic by addressing the wellbeing aspect of student and instructor

    Development of multi criteria tacit knowledge acquisition framework (MC-TKAF) to support talent development intervention program in a Malaysian comprehensive university

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    In Higher Education Institutions (HEI), the process of retaining leadership succession is critical since it has involved the process in choosing the right person. The purpose is to steer the institutions to sustain organizations’ excellence for academic leadership and management (ALM) position. Many ALM of Malaysia HEIs are struggling to find the right successor to replace their roles as they do not have yet any firm criteria in evaluating the competence among their potential successors in their home institutions. This study aims to propose a multi criteria tacit knowledge acquisition framework (MC-TKAF) for supporting talent development intervention program in Malaysia HEIs. It will be based on cognitive apprenticeship, socialization and informal learning theory which mostly used in acquiring knowledge from expertise to overcome talent bottleneck among novice. The main process of this study will use Fuzzy Delphi among ALM in Malaysian HEIsto get consensus judgement about the right indicator to evaluate tacit knowledge competence. Three phases involved are: Phase 1 is to analyze the existing Tacit Knowledge Acquisition (TKA) by finding the suitable parameters to construct intended framework, Phase 2 is to use the findings in Phase 1 in order to develop a new framework of Tacit Knowledge Acquisition Framework (TKAF) that suits with HEI environment. Finally, Phase 3 is to evaluate the practicality of Tacit Knowledge Acquisition Framework (TKAF) by using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach in supporting Talent Development Intervention Program. The objective of this paper is to propose the multi criteria tacit acquisition framework by using MCDM technique as a talent performance indicator. This paper basically will focus on Phase 1 of the research design. The constructed indicators in this paper could be served as a reference for the HEI industries to establish applicable talent performance indicators according to the properties of each TKA used